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PureScript II Pro Reverse Transcriptase

PureScript II Pro Reverse Transcriptase expressed in E. coli carrying an improved reverse transcriptase gene cloned from M-MLV.


2000 U


PureScript II Pro Reverse Transcriptase is a new generation reverse transcriptase optimized from the M-MLV (RNase H ) Reverse Transcriptase. Compared with the previous generation reverse transcriptase, the thermo-stability of this product is significantly improved. The half-life of PureScript II Pro Reverse Transcriptase at 50oC is >240 min. At 55oC, the half-life of the enzyme is >1 hour, which significantly benefits the transcription of RNA templates with complex secondary structure. In addition, it has an improved template affinity and cDNA synthesis efficiency. It has a good resistance to most RT-PCR inhibitors and is suitable for long-fragment cDNA amplification (up to 20 kb).PureScript II Pro Reverse Transcriptase is applicable for reverse transcription of animal, microbial, and plant RNA rich in polysaccharides and polyphenols.


1. Kotewicz ML, D'Alessio JM, Driftmier KM, Blodgett KP, Gerard GF. Cloning and overexpression of Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase in Escherichia coli. Gene. 1985;35(3):249-58. doi: 10.1016/0378-1119(85)90003-4. PMID: 2412939.

